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4 Questions you need to ask before travelling with a friend

Article written by cheap hotels

Traveling with someone, especially a friend, will help you learn a lot about each other. However, just because you are friends in your daily lives, you may not be compatible trabudgettravelsolutions june 2016vel partners. This is mainly because travelling will put both of you into different, sometimes uncomfortable situations. Here are 4 questions you need to ask before travelling with a friend.

What are your goals for the trip? – Ask your friend what her/his goals are for the trip. Is he/she planning on early wake ups with lots of sightseeing or is it a trip to relax and unwind. This way you would know what to expect and therefore can plan activities ahead that can be enjoyed by both of you.

Is nightlife a priority? – If one person is a morning person and the other a night owl, each person’s time tables will certainly clash. This could lead into arguments and an not so enjoyable holiday.

Do you prefer guided tours or wandering around on your own? – If guided tours are not your thing, but your friend prefers them, maybe you two could compromise. Include a few guided tours for some sights and the others could include details read up previously.

How much room are you comfortable leaving for spontaneity? – If you’re a planner and your friend prefers to go about the day as it comes, this might pose a problem. Instead, plan out a few days of your trip and let your friend plan out the rest.


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